Raisis Software
RaisisSoftware is a software company that was born in 2019, out of one man’s dream to be the partner disruptive companies deserve. The company has evolved into a powerhouse of young, motivated, and ambitious people. The company’s mission is to get involved in streamlining a company’s internal processes and improve their online presence and visibility through a full range of custom-tailored solutions. RaisisSoftware provides the following types of services: Software and Web Development, Mobile Apps Development, and Web Design and Marketing. Software development for start-ups focuses on scalability and flexibility, so that companies can overcome the issues they are facing. On the other hand, software development for enterprises focuses on streamlining the internal processes of large companies, interconnecting their existing systems, and launching unique digital solutions. RaisisSoftware develops mobile apps for start-ups and for big enterprises. These services include the development of an MVP or the integration of the company systems into a mobile app that will streamline all the company’s internal processes. In terms of Web Design and Marketing, the company’s strategic framework includes initial discovery and discussions, search for viable solutions, design and development, testing, launching, and optimizing (SEO, blog posts, social media).
Custom Code Factory
Custom Code Factory is a software company that offers digital solutions and custom software development, from presentation websites or e-commerce, to mobile and cloud development. The company provides Enterprise Software Development, Mobile App Development, Product/Presentation websites, UX/UI Design, E-commerce, and IT Consulting. In terms of Enterprise Software Development, the company creates complex enterprise software, ensures reliable software integration, and modernize the company’s legacy system. The clients of the company are small and medium-sized companies and local administrations. As technologies, Custom Code Factory uses ERP (enterprise resource planning), CRM (customer relationship management), Time and task management, integrations and automations of existing services, and urban mobility. Likewise, they have a various category of clients.
Vatra Boiereasca
Vatra Boierească is a touristic resort located on the Hill of Salina in Cacica, Bucovina, which offers a unique experience of relaxation and escape from everyday life. The complex includes 20 bungalows, a manicured garden, and a pond with a pontoon, a relaxation area with a sauna, and a restaurant serving fresh food. It also has a 60-seat restaurant, which can be extended to a terrace and serves natural food from their own farm. In Suceava, Vatra Boierească also has a grocery, Bacania Boiereasca, where produces traditional smoked products. In this location, Vatra Boiereasca organizes different types of events, such as weddings, brunches, or team buildings. The company puts particular emphasis on sustainability and the preservation of local traditions.
Conacul Domnesc
Conacul Domnesc is a touristic complex and a genuine manor originally built over almost two centuries ago, yet still retains the original parts of the former architectural construction in the current building. The tourist compound is spread over 25 acres of land that are also an arboretum park, in the middle of which it features an old boyar manor completely restored and upgraded to European standards. The fresh air, the peace and tranquility it offers, makes it the best place for company training, business meetings and team buildings. Conacul Domnesc provides the following types of services: hotel, spa, restaurant, conference rooms, wine cellar, terrace, fitness, football and tennis court, and an arboretum park.The hotel, located in a superb dendrological park, has 2 floors plus attic and a building D (next to the hotel building), offers 52 elegant, including 12 in building D, wide and spacious accommodation. The restaurant offers an array of international dishes and delights on top of the traditional Romanian cuisine that will leave you wanting more.
Consulting Group
Consulting Group is a consultancy company based in Suceava. It is a project based on the desire to create an optimal system of information circulation in the managerial field. The company wants to lead to a sustainable development of the business environment and to fill the managerial knowledge gap that causes the failure of many Romanian companies. The vision of the company is to become one of the leading companies on the training and consulting market in Romania. To this end, the company approaches its clients’ problems with responsibility and competence, customizing solutions according to the specific needs of each client. To achieve the vision, the company continuously and innovatively develops its business strategy, which leads to a profound impact on the individual and organizational development of its clients. Consulting Group provides the following types of services: trainings, methods for trainings, programmes for trainings, HotQua courses, personalized courses, consultancy, and services for start-ups, investor advice, and business conducting.
Regional Consulting
Regional Consulting was established in 2001 as a professional business and management consulting firm. Regional Consulting is an important presence on the consulting market in the North-East Region of Romania, with a dynamic development during its 4 years of existence. The company’s mission is to provide highly professional management services that will bring satisfaction to the clients as well as to all those interested in the results of their own organization.
OTP Bank
OTP Bank Romania, subsidiary to OTP Group, has been present on the Romanian market for over 15 years. We believe in people and their dreams, thus we have developed as a universal bank that provides complete financial solutions for natural persons and companies. From the very beginning, OTP Bank Romania grew organically, strengthening its position even more in 2016, after the completion of the integration process of Millennium Bank Romania, in November 2015. Therefore, we proved to be a powerful, stable, and reliable partner for the clients, collaborators and employees. In 2018, OTP Bank Romania has strengthened its systemic position and acquired a spot in top 10 local market banks, occupying the 9th position, considering the number of bank assets. OTP Group has reached an important goal. It is the biggest independent financial services supplier, on the internal market, but also a decisive regional player. In 2019, OTP Group celebrated 70 years of activity, with a huge community of 36.000 employees that overlook over 18.5 million of clients from 12 countries. In this context, the operations from Romania are significant; the local branch has a consolidated position and a good growth perspective. On the local market, the company to be acknowledged as a strong, stable and lucrative partner providing medium-sized universal financial services, a partner that delivers efficient management, dynamic growth and strong social responsibility commitment.
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Suceava
The Suceava Chamber of Commerce and Industry has been the oldest and most representative post-December employers’ organization in Suceava County for over 30 years. Established in 1990 and an integral part of the national chamber system, CCI Suceava was reconfirmed by Law no. 335/2007 as the only non-governmental organization of public utility, with an autonomous character, whose strategy is oriented towards the creation of a stable, coherent and favorable business environment for the development of the private sector, a real, sustainable and open market economy. The mission of this organization is to support and develop the business environment and business activity, representing and defending the interests of the business community and its members to the most important decision makers, facilitating access to information on potential partners and the business environment in which they operate. To achieve its mission and promote economic development and international cooperation, the specialists of this organization offer: business consultancy, consultancy and access to funding for SMEs, fairs and exhibitions, training and professional development, economic missions and international partnerships, business information, conferences center, virtual office, commercial arbitration, top companies – Business Excellence Gala.
The Association for Economic and Regional Development – ADER is a non-profit association, created with the goal to contribute to the economic and cultural development of the Northeast area of Romania. The aim of the association is to promote the economic interests of private enterprises in their relations with other organizations from Romania and abroad, to stimulate through specific means the entrepreneurship as solution for economic development of the area, the performant management of medium enterprises, the development of human resources and best practices in regional development through national and European funding programs. One of the main ADER objectives is to support social entrepreneurship that could have a major contribution to the improvement of life standards of disadvantaged categories. The activities of the association are based on citizens’ involvement in the change they want to see, on volunteering, on transparent information regarding the opportunities for individual and organizational development. The organization promotes counselling and strategic development in a participatory approach. Furthermore, ADER initiates activities dedicated to developing the urban spirit in the urban space and to preserve the authenticity of traditional culture in the rural areas. The values relevant for the association are equal opportunities for individual development, entrepreneurship in economic development, sustainable development for regional development. ADER promotes the development of the region by valuing the history and cultural values of material and immaterial patrimony. The projects developed by ADER are following the vision of a better life, in a better environment.
Bucovina Institute Association
Bucovina Institute Association is an NGO that supports the sustainable development of communities in Romania, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova by establishing learning partnerships, organizing and conducting training programs and promoting continuing education. The specific objectives of the organization are to create programmes to facilitate intercultural learning, cross-border cooperation and exchange of experience in the field of social economy and labor market employment of vulnerable people, to support rural youth and adults, migrants, minorities and people with disabilities to ensure access to all forms of learning and the labor market, to promote regional and community development through skills training, retraining, further training, specialization, apprenticeships and the establishment of skills assessment and certification programmes with access for all social categories, the organization of voluntary activities for the development of work skills and thematic training for the prevention of human trafficking, bullying and segregation of disabled and Roma children in schools and the provision of accredited social support services for the social inclusion of people at risk of poverty. The activities and services offered by Bucovina Institute Association are consultancy for the establishment and development of non-governmental organizations, counselling and mediation on the labor market for people with disabilities, employment services accredited by ANOFM, grant management for start-ups in the social economy, and social services.
ROCBC Suceava
The Regional Office for Cross-border Cooperation Suceava (ROCBC Suceava) is a legal entity, has non-governmental, non-profit status and operates in regional development and cross-border cooperation. The declared mission of ROCBC Suceava is the sustainable development of the Romanian-Ukrainian border regions by promoting interregional, domestic and international cooperation, and supporting local initiatives. The main objectives of the regional offices for cross-border cooperation are: ensuring the administrative, technical and logistic support for the implementation of the Neighborhood Programmes between Romania and Ukraine (PHARE, ENPI CBC, ENI CBC, etc.); promoting cooperation between the regions, communities and authorities located on both sides of the Romanian border to solve common problems; design and implement cross-border strategies and projects to contribute to the development of these communities in terms of increasing living standards and economic development; promoting good neighborhood, social stability and economic progress in border regions by funding projects with clear benefits for regions and communities in these regions; stimulating interregional, internal and international cross-border cooperation, including within Euroregion’s, as well as the participation of cross-border regions in European structures and organizations that promote economic, social and institutional development, in order to develop and implement projects of common interest, in accordance with international agreements in which Romania is part of; supporting decentralization of responsibility; promotion of local initiatives, carried out within local strategies; Promoting innovation, technology transfer and know-how by strengthening the link between business and science / technology / research; Increase the attractiveness of Romania-Ukraine border regions in order to attract investments and carry out specific activities aimed at increasing the volume of private investments.
Research Institution
Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch
The Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch is a public institution with legal personality under public law and represents the territorial organization of the Romanian Academy’s activity. To conduct its activities, the institution has a body of researchers and a technical-administrative apparatus and is fully funded by the state budget. The Iasi Branch of the Romanian Academy assumes scientific values as tools to enhance national identity, tangible and intangible heritage, the link between basic scientific research and applied scientific research and humanistic discourse, in the context of the challenges of contemporary society. From this point of view, the Iasi Branch of the Romanian Academy contributes to the monitoring, study and standardization of the Romanian language and to the formulation of the Romanian cultural identity in the European context, through its fundamental programmes in the fields of philology, history and archaeology, with the help of important national heritage resources, valorized through research in the most varied fields (socio-human sciences, theoretical and applied informatics, oenology, chemistry, biochemistry, mathematics, geography). The Iasi Branch of the Romanian Academy is the most important pole of research and innovation in the North-East Development Region, its status being ensured by the following internal policies, assumed at the level of scientific research: total liberalism in research activities, thus allowing scientific approaches with a high degree of innovation, gnoseological modelling and epistemic foresight; the deeply interdisciplinary nature of the research it carries out and encourages; the correlation of fundamental programmes with applied research projects; the correlation of research strategies with the strategic horizon of regional, national and European development. Both in terms of its statutes and its project implementation strategies, the Iasi Branch of the Romanian Academy assumes the role of a trainer at the highest level of knowledge transmission and development. This training status, in the region to which it belongs, is achieved through: the organization of public scientific events, at the highest level, in which debates take place and the transmission of scientific research results to the general public and other actors of regional development is ensured; the large number of direct beneficiaries of training, within the framework of European human resources development projects; the organization of unconventional training actions such as the Open Day or Academia Altfel. The Iasi Branch of the Romanian Academy is an important factor in regional development through attracting European funds; implementing projects with an important impact in the society it belongs to; promoting European principles of research; active involvement in the formulation of regional policies and strategies. At the same time, through the prestige it has reaffirmed many times in the North-East Development Region, the Iasi Branch of the Romanian Academy is the most effective partner and mediator in the relationship with the other actors of regional development.
Research Institution
Institute for Economic and Social Research “Gh. Zane”
Institute for Economic and Social Research “Gh. Zane” is a research institution that has a multidisciplinary profile, conducting research in the field of economics: macroeconomics, microeconomics, rural economics and in the field of social sciences and humanities: philosophy and political science, psychology and educational sciences, sociology and legal sciences. The Institute’s priority research themes include fundamental cultural, economic, epistemic, intellectual, moral, legal, social and political values – such as truth, authenticity, authority, community, knowledge and understanding, democracy, justice, rights, efficiency and economic growth, equality, trust, freedom, reasonableness, solidarity, stability or the rule of law – as well as human capital, environmental and biodiversity conservation, education and education policies, sustainable development and agriculture, personal development, ecosystems and digital technologies, migration, multiculturalism, the labor market, gender roles and identities, health and health policies, European economic systems, the legal system, the knowledge society and the information society, political theories, processes and phenomena or tourism. Most of these themes are investigated both in their regional/European, international or global dimension, and – above all – from the perspective of the circumstances and objectives of cultural, economic, political and social development specific to Romanian society (and to the North-East Region of Romania). Institute for Economic and Social Research “Gh. Zane”, Iasi, carries out six research programmes: ICES-1 Programme: Fundamental Individual and Social Values; ICES-2 Programme: Fundamental Themes and Ideas in Psychology and Educational Sciences; ICES-3 Programme: Individual, Culture and Society in the Age of Digital Technologies; ICES-4 Programme: Current Trends in Economic and Social Theory and Practice; ICES-5 Programme: Rural Development in the North-East Region of Romania; ICES-6 Programme: Fundamental Issues in Legal Sciences.
Public Institution
Suceava City Hall
Suceava City Hall is a public institution that represents a functional structure with permanent activity that carries out the decisions of the local council and the provisions of the mayor, solving the current problems of the local community of Suceava municipality. The Mayor of Suceava is the head of the institution. Public administration in administrative-territorial units is organized and functions based on the principles of local autonomy, decentralization of public services, eligibility of local public administration authorities, legality and consultation of citizens in solving local problems. Local public administration authorities have the right and the capacity to resolve and manage, on behalf and in the interest of the local communities they represent, public affairs, in accordance with the law. Local self-government is only administrative and financial and is exercised on the basis of and within the limits provided by law. The local council and the mayor, as authorities of local public administration, have the right, within the limits of their competences, to cooperate and associate with other authorities of public administration in the country or abroad, under the law. According to the law, the municipality of Suceava is a legal person under public law, has its own patrimony and full legal capacity.
Public Institution
Suceava County Council
Suceava County Council is the authority of the local public administration for the coordination of the commune, cities and municipalities from Suceava County, to realise the public interest services. Suceava County Council has a broad experience in implementing European funded projects in various fields: culture – mobile and immobile patrimony, education, tourism, social, health and transport infrastructure, e-government and electronic public services, environment and interventions in crisis periods, cross-border cooperation Romania – Republic of Moldova – Ukraine and European cooperation, especially with Germany, France and Poland.
Public Institution
Siret City Hall
Siret City Hall is a public institution that represents a functional structure with permanent activity that carries out the decisions of the local council and the provisions of the mayor, solving the current problems of the local community of Siret municipality. The Mayor of Siret is the head of the institution.