Significant change story: NON-ACADEMIC STAFF

What is the most significant change you experienced during ILCA-project life-time?

Why you consider this as the most important?


Vilnius College of Technologies and Design

PhD. Rolandas Vitkūnas, VTDK director

“I would say the most important thing is that we have combined several fields of engineering: civil engineering, transport, electricity, electronics. In the ILCA project, the creation of the Innovation Laboratory allowed us to think about how buildings could be retrofitted to reduce CO2 emissions, to be more environmentally friendly, and we also thought about how the use of these buildings in an eco- neighbourhood could also make use of the energy resources of transport. Our collaboration with other institutions has been crucial, allowing us to discover new solutions by incorporating interdisciplinary subjects into the curricula and enhancing the competencies of our teachers through microcredentials. This integration of different curricular strands has not been emphasized until now. Previously, civil engineering programs focused on the properties of individual materials, while transport engineering research centered on the use of biofuels and dual fuels. We also have a renewable energy engineering program. By bringing these disciplines together, we have created a cohesive approach. The application of ecology and innovation has not only advanced our study programs but also developed the competencies of our academic staff.“


Savonia University of Applied Sciences

Raisa Leinonen, RDI expert Savonia UAS

“My name is Raisa Leinonen, I am an RDI expert at Savonia University of Applied Sciences. During the ILCA project, I have become aware of how huge, complex and multi-level the issue of climate change is. It touches us as actors and it touches the actions we take. So it is a huge cultural change. And how universities can contribute or support this cultural change is that we create interaction and dialogue between the different parties. To create new innovations, we apply researched knowledge to business and product development in companies. To create new knowledge we are working with different communities to create solutions for positive climate change!“


University of Suceava

Luiza Pricop, chief secretary

“Hello! My name is Luiza Pricop, and I am the chief secretary of the Faculty of Economics, Administration and Business at “Ștefan cel Mare” University of Suceava. I took part in three very interesting events within the ILCA project. These were three wonderful meetings that were challenges for us, the non-teaching staff, but they brought us new experiences and ideas for creating a healthy and productive work environment. These events were friendly and interactive, accompanied by practical sessions where we learned to know each other better and to work more efficiently as a team. One of these seminars even brought benefits to our personal lives by teaching us methods to eat better and healthier with the help of microgreens, which we found very interesting. This session was very well received by us and extremely interesting from our point of view. These three activities were very welcome, and we look forward to more activities within the ILCA project“. 


King Danylo University

Andriy Yavorsky, Energy efficiency expert

“Greetings, as an expert in energy efficiency, I believe that the ILCA project allowed me, in particular, to spread my knowledge and get new contacts. And accordingly, the interaction in the project looked like a synergy between various specialists, where the main goal was the introduction of knowledge and technology to overcome climate challenges, in particular in the field of energy and in the future transition to climate neutrality.

Accordingly, when we talk about any actions to improve the negative impact of the climate, these actions undoubtedly begin with the formation of the necessary knowledge. The ILCA project, in my opinion, is aimed in this direction. And, accordingly, it allowed for the direct exchange of such knowledge between specialists from different countries, between specialists in different professions, and, accordingly, specialists from both the university environment and the non-university environment. Accordingly, I believe, that the establishment of such a mechanism is an extremely important impact of the project directly, which should later bring results in the form of actions to overcome negative climate changes.“


University of Forestry

Sonya Galeva, Landscape architect

”I have gained invaluable insights into the art of composting through this project”

“As a landscape architect with a wealth of experience spanning over 20 years in flower cultivation, I have gained invaluable insights into the art of composting through this project. My mastery of these techniques has not only allowed me to produce high-quality compost with ease but has also significantly enhanced the health and beauty of my flowers.“

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