Cases on Engagement

Engagement is crucial when addressing systemic change, and in this collection of case studies, we explore two key forms of engagement: the involvement of the academic community and the engagement of ecosystem stakeholders.

Engagement of academic communities

These case studies explore strategies for engaging students and academic staff in Climate Actions across various contexts. These cases demonstrate how institutions have effectively harnessed the energy, creativity, and expertise of their academic communities to develop and implement innovative solutions to climate challenges. Through these examples, we aim to highlight the importance of active participation by students and academic staff in the pursuit of a sustainable future.

The objective of these case studies is to showcase practical and impactful approaches to student and academic staff engagement in climate initiatives. By sharing these experiences, we hope to inspire other institutions and stakeholders to replicate and build upon these efforts, ultimately contributing to a more resilient and environmentally conscious society.

Each case study delves into the challenges faced in engaging these groups, the design of engaging programs, and the integration of Climate Actions into the academic curriculum. Additionally, these cases provide insights into the collaborative projects that have emerged, the capacity-building initiatives undertaken, and the tangible impacts achieved through these efforts. The lessons learned from these experiences offer guidance for further enhancing engagement in climate actions within academic settings.

By exploring these case studies, visitors will gain a deeper understanding of the critical role that students and academic staff play in driving climate action and will be acquinted with practical strategies to foster engagement and collaboration within their own institutions.

Lithuania: download pdf

Romania: download pdf

Ukraine: download pdf

Bulgaria: download pdf

Engagement of ecosystem actors

Finland, as an experienced partner in ecosystem management, has developed a case study focused on engaging ecosystem partners in climate actions. This case explores the specific context and challenges of involving diverse stakeholders in a collaborative effort to drive sustainable solutions. By mapping out the roles, interests, and potential barriers of these stakeholders, Finland’s approach highlights effective strategies for stakeholder engagement, leading to impactful outcomes in decision-making and project implementation. This brief case also shares valuable lessons learned, offering insights into the replicability and scalability of these engagement practices for broader climate action initiatives.

Finland: download pdf

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