On November 16-18, 2022, the project partners met at Vilnius College of Technologies and Design (Vilnius, Lithuania) to evaluate the progress made in the project, share lessons learned, and discuss some administrative issues.
The consortium took the opportunity to organize future-oriented working sessions on the transferability of results and the impact of the project.
The session on Transferability of Results was facilitated by the VTDK team and aimed to address transferability and scaling at 3 levels:
- embedding the results at own institution
- transferring the good practices and methodologies to other HEIs at a national level
- and spreading good practices to other international partners.
As a result of the session, the partners developed a transferability action plan.
The ILCA Prospective Impact Assessment workshop facilitated by the Finnish team took 3 hours and aimed to answer the following questions: Are we doing the right things? How can we improve? The PRIA model was used for the assessment. In the workshop, the project partners identified and co-created insights (ideas or factors) which could be important to consider in the implementation of the ILCA project. Later, the identified ideas were clustered in six categories, and it was evaluated how the identified factors are important from the perspective of students, start-ups, and institutional change.